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    1. <span id="d0wom"></span>
    2. The eyebolt is forged by warm quenching. Surface treatment of eyebolt: corrod-dt, which is at least 20 times more effective than ordinary zinc plating. Length of external thread ¨ H ¨, The bolts are fixed with other parts, and the bolts of the same quality grade must be selected for replacement.
      Square mother, hardware equipment, fastening accessories. It is square in shape with internal thread and can be used with bolt. It is also called square nut.
      Nut is a part that connects mechanical equipment closely, also called root nut, lock nut or receiver. The main purpose is to lock the external joint or other pipe fittings of the thread.
      Hexagon socket set screw, hexagon flat set screw, hexagon cylindrical set screw.
      As we all know, nuts and bolts are small parts that play the role of fastening and connecting when fixing tools, with the characteristics of easy installation, integrity, no washer, easy disassembly and so on. Generally used as nut materials are carbon steel, stainless steel, copper, alloy, etc. Among many kinds of nuts, butterfly nut is very convenient to use because of its unique shape - the but
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